GEOG 323 -- Open Source Geographic Information Science

This spring, I'm taking Open Source Geographic Information Science with Prof. Joseph Holler. In this course we're exploring the world of geographic information science using open source software, reading and analyzing critical GIS research, and gaining experience with a variety of spatial data types and analyses. Check out the posts below to see what I've been working on!


Gravity Model of Spatial Interaction

Rosgen Classification in GRASS/R

Spatial Urban Resilience Analysis of Dar es Salaam

Climate Vulnerability in Malawi

Spatial Twitter Analysis

Spatial Accessibility of COVID-19 Healthcare Resources


Reflection 1: What is Open GIScience?

Reflection 2: GIS as Reproducible Science

Reflection 3: Error and Uncertainty

Reflection 4: Spatial Twitter Analysis

Reflection 5: Humanitarian GIS

Reflection 6: Individual Privacy vs. the Greater Good with Big (Geospatial) Data

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